Come visit our exhibit, 'A Sieve and A Sponge' at the PHS Flower Show

Come see Refugia's display at The Philadelphia Flower Show! We had a great time collaborating with Aquareale, who created the bog and hardscaping throughout the exhibit. The theme for this year's show is Holland: Flowering the World. Refugia is drawing its inspiration from Holland's innovative stormwater management practices in its creation of the display, 'A Sieve and a Sponge.'

With half of its population living below sea level, the Netherlands understands the power of water. Once a nation of dikes and berms, they now employ integrated sustainable strategies to manage it. Philadelphia is also threatened by sea level rise, and needs supplemental stormwater strategies. In our functional designs, Refugia puts plants to work absorbing and filtering stormwater. We use indigenous plants that act as nature’s sponge, giving our designs a unique sense of place, functionality, and aesthetic.

It has been a great few days so far, and we will be at the Pennsylvania Convention Center until March 19th. We hope to see you there!